Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Samuel has a new found love, his fast and fierce little army crawl.  He will spend what seems like hours making his way from one end of a room to the other - over and over again.  And all because he can.  But in the midst of his rigorous "huffs" and "puffs" I will often see him stop to curiously consider where he should head next.  His choice of direction is easily categorized, paths that lead to danger or paths lead safety.

Everyday we go through the same song and dance, "Samuel, look at Momma.  You may not go any further.", "Samuel, listen to Momma's voice.  You may not touch.",  "Samuel stop!", "Samuel turn around.  Make a good choice.".  There are so many instructions my little man is learning, and so many dangers - steps, plug-ins, drawers filled with owies - the list is endless.  As I instruct Samuel, regarding his path of choice, hoping that he will obey, I can not escape the thought, "What paths am I choosing?".

Recently, I turned 30, which to some is old and to others is young. Regardless of the correct assessment, it's another year passed.  My life is a morning midst, and with age I seem to be increasingly aware of this.  Samuel visibly transforming before my eyes is enough to remind me of this truth on a daily basis.  And motherhood is enough to remind me that life is filled with a plethora of choices, limited to two directions.  During my "morning midst", my life, I am either drawing nearer to the heart of my Heavenly Farther or I am drawing away from Him... safety or danger.

Jeremiah 6:16 says, "Thus says the LORD: Stand by the roads, and looks, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good ways is, and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they they said,  'We will not walk in it.' ".  Just like my Samuel, my life is filled with crossroads.  Some are seemingly bigger then others, but nonetheless each crossroad presents a choice... presents a path.

In year 30 what paths will I chose?  Paths that are worthwhile or worthless?

Oh, that I would ask for the ancients paths / the good way.
Oh, that I would listen to my Father's voice.
Oh, that I would obey.
Oh, that I would experience rest for my soul.
Oh, but by the grace of God!

May year 30, and all the choices in between, lead me nearer, and nearer, to the heart of my Father!   

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