A Jacobean Quilt Design by Kenny Kreation
Quilt made by Pamela Board

As I mentioned in an earlier post from September, my very gracious mother has taken not just hours of her time, but days and most likely months to create the beautiful quilt above!! And the exciting news is that you could own this amazing quilt! On February 6th a drawing will be held at the Elroy Lion's Club meeting, in Elroy, WI, to determine the owner of this quilt. Now your probably thinking why give away such an amazing quilt? Well, because my parent's have amazing hearts, and are eager to add two more grandchildren to the family through the miracle of adoption! All the proceeds from the raffle will go directly to help cover our adoption expenses, as well as my sister Abbey and brother-n-law Jason's adoption expenses.
So if you would like to support our adoption, or simply want a chance at winning an incredible quilt, click on the "donate" button in the left column. There is an option to either give using your paypal account, if you have one, or by credit card (bottom left, no paypal account needed). Just tell us how much you'd like to donate and we will make sure your ticket or tickets makes it in the drawing.
Cost of Tickets:
1 ticket for $5
5 tickets for $20
Or give as much as you'd like and we will make sure the tickets add up!
If you feel uncomfortable donating on-line you can send a check via mail to Quintin Baldwin with the memo reading "quilt raffle".
Quintin Baldwin
201 Tiliwa Ct. #221
Central, SC 29630
Need not to be present to win the drawing!
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