A little love from this past week of adoption waiting...
~ Last Sunday a sweet little someone approached me at church and handed me the envelope above. In it was a precious note and gift of money for our adoption. I won't go into detail but this sweet little someone and her family had put hard work and time into providing us with a very, very thoughtful financial gift. - Tears... my heart is still moved!
~ A text I received today: Thinking of your (little one) this morning... "God places the solitary in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity..." (Ps. 68:6) And, thinking of you, Dear Friend: "Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even The God Who is our salvation! Selah!" (Ps. 68:19)
~ I just finished this piece for our Little Man's room yesterday! I have loved the process of creating this sign. It has caused me to pray continuously for our Little Guy, and with each detail pieced together, has constantly served as reminder that the LORD is fully in control of a little life in Ethiopia!
It seems the time is nearing and this is one grandpa that is eager to meet and get to know my grandson.