My morning routine usually involves a direct b-line to the kitchen to part-take in one of me and Quintin's main food groups "coffee". Most mornings I look forward to my warm drink coupled with my sun spot on the floor of our living room. My coffee and sun spot our two of my favorite things as I meet with the Lord in the morning!
This morning I awoke and headed to the kitchen only to find our k-cup basket empty! My thoughts immediately were NOT that grocery shopping in our family is primarily my responsibility or that I noticed the basket getting low but did nothing about it. My thoughts were "QUINTIN STOLE MY COFFEE"! He had a choice to partake of the last k-cup or graciously save it for me, and he did not choose the latter. (side note: i would've done the same)
So there I was, my sun spot but no coffee, feeling sorry for myself. However, a little later I received a call from my neighbor Hailey who had to quick run over to my place to pick up a few items. And without knowing any of my coffee drama, what did she bring, an iced coffee! And not just any iced coffee, THE PERFECT ICED COFFE! It was wonderful!
So with all that said, YES I was humbled by my poor attitude, and not so kind thoughts toward my husband, but I also was so blessed. God cares about the littlest things in my life, and my morning coffee dilemma served as a small reminder that no detail of my life is over-looked by God. I don't expect to have neighbors bringing me amazing coffee everyday, but I can expect that the God who knows the number of hairs on my head cares for me with great detail!!

The empty k-cup basket...

and the delicious Perfect Iced Coffee! Thanks Hailey!
Check out this website for the recipe
Thanks for the coffee post! Without it, we wouldn't have discovered the most perfect iced coffee. As soon as I read the recipe to Josh, we had to make some of our own and it is definitely perfect! :)