We have completed part III of our home study and have scheduled our home visit for July 1, which will be the final part of our home-study process! Our hearts our encouraged as we take each step. Psalm 27:14 has often renewed our hearts and our minds in this process, "Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!" I looked up "wait" not to long ago and it means to hope or to expect the Lord. This week I picked up my father-n-law from the airport and as I stood waiting for his plane to arrive there was an excitement, an anticipation and expectation of his arrival. It's so amazing that were called to anticipate and expect the Lord, and that were charged to hope in Him and His perfect plans! We continually are seeking to let our hearts take courage and to hope solely in the Lord in the midst of the unknowns of the adoption process!
As we wait there is much to keep us occupied. This week Quintin's dad, Jerry, is visiting from Wisconsin. We've had such a wonderful time and have truly enjoyed being with him. Today we've been able to celebrate Father's Day with him and it's been a joy. He is a father who, by God's grace, continually points us to our Heavenly Father and for that we are so thankful!
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