Cayce, Me, Caryn & Melody - Celebrating My Birthday
So as of May 26th I am officially 27 years old, and not 28 years of age as my sweet husband thought! My birthday was a precious time for me to remember, celebrate, and hope!
The morning of my birthday I "may" have been a little grumpy. I woke up thinking about how hard year 26 has been. But God quickly adjusted my frame-of-mind by reminding me of a quote from the book Calm My Anxious Heart - "Two women looked through prison bars, one saw mud, the other saw stars". Though I've never literally been behind prison bars, sometimes life feels a bit burdensome and it's easy to feel the weight of circumstances. So, instead of dwelling on the mud, I asked the Lord to help me remember the stars. And he sure did... he reminded me of he beauty of meeting my niece Madeline and nephew Matthew for the first time, the faithful encouragement I've received from dear sisters in the faith, the daily provisions and financial support he's so richly provided, the life transformations of 5 amazing women, the joy I've experienced with my beloved husband, and list goes on and on. How good and faithful God was during year 26. It was good to look at the stars!
This is great thank you so much for keeping me informed